Adams Auto Group Lawsuit: What You Need to Know


Have you heard whispers about a lawsuit against Adams Auto Group? If you’re in the market for a used car, these rumors might be swirling around you, leaving you wondering, “What’s the deal?”

Don’t worry, we’re here to clear the air. We’ll dive into the details of the lawsuit, separate fact from fiction, and help you make informed decisions when buying your next car.

What’s the Allegation?

Multiple customers have filed lawsuits against Adams Auto Group, alleging deceptive practices. Specifically, they claim the dealership failed to disclose serious damage to the vehicles they purchased, even though Adams knew about the issues.

These accusations are serious and paint a concerning picture of Adams Auto Group’s business practices. If true, buying a car from them could be a risky proposition.

What’s the Evidence?

While the lawsuit is ongoing and the court hasn’t reached a verdict, the accusations are backed by evidence.

WSOC TV reported that several customers came forward with complaints, alleging Adams hid prior damage to their vehicles.
Pillsbury Law Firm filed a lawsuit on behalf of two customers, claiming Adams sold them a car with a “concealed material defect” and engaged in “unfair and deceptive trade practices.”
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has multiple complaints against Adams Auto Group, including allegations of hidden damage and misrepresentation.

What Does This Mean for You?

If you’re considering buying a car from Adams Auto Group, it’s crucial to proceed with caution. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:

Get a thorough inspection: Before purchasing any car, have a qualified mechanic inspect it for any hidden damage. This is especially important given the allegations against Adams Auto Group.
Review the vehicle history report: This report will provide information about the car’s past, including accidents, repairs, and liens.
Don’t rush the process: Take your time and ask questions. Don’t feel pressured to make a decision until you’re comfortable.
Be wary of verbal promises: Get everything in writing, including any promises or agreements made by the dealership.


The lawsuit against Adams Auto Group raises serious concerns about their business practices. While the legal process is ongoing, it’s important to be aware of the allegations and take steps to protect yourself when buying a car from this dealership. Remember, knowledge is power, and by doing your research and being cautious, you can avoid potential pitfalls and make informed decisions when purchasing your next vehicle.


1. What is the status of the lawsuit?

The lawsuit is currently ongoing, and no verdict has been reached.

2. What are the potential consequences for Adams Auto Group?

If found guilty, Adams Auto Group could face financial penalties, including damages to the plaintiffs. They could also face reputational damage and a loss of customer trust.

3. What can I do if I believe I was misled by Adams Auto Group?

If you believe you were sold a car with hidden damage or were misled by Adams Auto Group, you should contact an attorney to discuss your legal options.

4. Are there other dealerships I should be aware of?

It’s always a good practice to research any dealership you’re considering buying a car from. Look for online reviews, check their BBB rating, and read any available news articles or lawsuits against them.

5. What are some tips for buying a used car?

Get a pre-purchase inspection
Review the vehicle history report
Ask questions and don’t be afraid to negotiate
Get everything in writing
Be patient and take your time

6. Where can I find more information about the lawsuit?

You can find more information about the lawsuit on the websites of local news outlets, the Better Business Bureau, and the law firms involved in the case.

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